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Website Design

Please click on any of the links below to be directed to an article, video, or FAQ website. Contact us directly at if you’d like a free consultation or help with any of the below content.

A website is an essential tool for businesses of all types because it can increase your brand’s credibility, expand your customer base, allow you to post important announcements and share news, and it can even be used to sell products or services online.

Why You Need a Website

Why Every Business Needs A Website

How to Build a Website

DIY Website Builder or Hire a Professional?

DIY Website Design Basics – Launch Pad Baker Business Resources

How to Make a Free Website: Site Builders, Expert Tips, & More

Building a Business Website: A Small Business Guide

How to make a business website, with expert insight

How to Make a Free Website with Google Sites: Step-by-Step Guide

Every web page your website should (and could) contain

Website Design Resources

Hello Medio! – Professional Website Design Services

DIY Website Design Basics – Launch Pad Baker Business Resources

Ecommerce Platforms – Launch Pad Baker Business Resources

Other Resources

Consistent Online Marketing – Launch Pad Baker Business Resources

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Pinterest Resources

Please click on any of the links below to be directed to an article, video, or FAQ website. Contact us directly at if you’d like a free consultation or help with any of the below content.

Pinterest is an image and link-based social media platform. This platform acts as a search engine and digital bulletin board. Users can “pin” or save content from across the site or anywhere on the internet to their personalized “boards”.

This platform is primarily used by artisans and other creative individuals, so it is ideal for businesses targeting those audiences. However, the link-sharing features can also be a valuable resource for blog writers, YouTube content creators, or anyone who wants to redirect viewers to another website or social media platform.

Pinterest Resources

Other Resources

Which Platform is Right For My Business? – Launch Pad Baker Business Resources

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TikTok Resources

Please click on any of the links below to be directed to an article, video, or FAQ website. Contact us directly at if you’d like a free consultation or help with any of the below content.

TikTok is a short video sharing app primarily used by teens and young adults. 42% of TikTok users are between the ages of 18 and 24, while 31% are between the ages of 25 and 34 (source: LinkedIn). This app takes advantage of visual content to grab attention and share information quickly.

Businesses can use this platform to target younger audiences and humanize their brand. TikTok videos can include behind-the-scenes content or show the product or service in use, and they can be downloaded and shared across platforms.

TikTok Resources